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Pitahaya (dragon fruit)

The Yellow Pitahaya (Hylocereus Megalanthus) is an endemic and typical fruit from the Amazonian region of Ecuador, getting the first seeds from the native jungle people by the year 1989. Its unique physical appearance, chemical and organoleptic properties give it a top level class of beneficial fruit to keep you health up, also is renown as the tastier and sweeter Pitahaya among the others.

Life Time: From 10 to 30 days depending on the degree of ripeness with which it was harvested.

Nutritional Facts: Dragon fruit is mostly composed of fiber, which provides a satiety effect; as well as also low calorie [1]. All this makes it a fruit ideal for consumption if we are doing any regimen to lose weight [2]. This fruit also has plenty of vitamin C, ideal to prevent colds and flus; Vitamin A, excellent for maintaining good eye health; and also calcium, which help the optimal development of your bones, avoiding the early symptoms of the so feared osteoporosis [3].


mARACUYA (Passion Fruit)



